Northern Exposure

By Northern

Too tempting

It has been the most glorious day today. Warm, calm, dry... just perfect.

I had set aside the day to work. Steven and the boys were at swimming this morning so I managed to be diligent until lunchtime. Then I thought "Nope, this may well be the last decent day until March so I'll be damned if I'm staying inside."

So after lunch I escaped into the garden and pottered around planting bulbs and other pottering stuff. The boys went off to do very odd money earning activity. And we were distracted by a madwoman from up the road and a bottle of wine, which we consumed outside in the sunshine. This is not something that happens often around here at this time of year. Well... I suppose the wine and the madwoman does, just usually we're inside in front of the fire.

As you can see from the pic, the boys were asked to hang up their swimming stuff. They did, and used almost all the pegs on two towels. You can also see from the pic that I am not kidding about it being a gorgeous day. Not the blue sky, we get them a lot even when it's so cold you wouldn't venture out. But look at the direction of the towel... straight down. Not enough breeze to lift it.

Can this really be in Orkney at the end of September? I'm glad I made the most of today. Now I just have to pay the price and get on with some work this evening, boooo!

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