
By hoikamchan

Animal signs

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Taking my new camera out on a walk today. Was terribly wet in Edinburgh, you could tell that all the tourists got a bit of a shock and quickly wore ' I love Scotland' ponchos. But I found the rain refreshing after the recent humid and hot weather. Everything fresh, and all the greenery lush!

Did good rainy day stuff, visited the National Galleries at the Mound, and spent time in the Scottish Collection (our national collection at the furthest, lowest room in the building- the most inaccessible and badly signed!) but there is always a gem to be found- especially the print/ drawing showcases.

After, went on a walk and headed near the Dean Gallery, where these super cute signs were spotted!

Can you guess the animals? Who knew what roamed nearby! They remind me of cookie cutters... mmmm cookies!

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