
Her name, Gesiggie, is Afrikaans for 'Little Face'! She is such a lovely little thing, Mariet Letstryit, rescued her a few months ago, she was terribly neglected, thin, infested with fleas and sores all over the tiny litte body, she was just about eight weeks old, but now, at about six months of age, she is a lively, lovely little bundle of joy!!

We visited M and her hubby, David today, what a lovely day we had!! We had a great oxtail and chicken a-la-king with rice and veggies with lovely, traditional milk tart as desert! Divine!!

Thankx my two dear friends, we LuvUToBits!! :-0

Congratulations to Germany for winning the third place in tonight's game! You are a brilliant team and I can't tell you how surprised and disappointed I was when you lost your game on Wednesday night!!

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