In passing

By passerby


Or 'Both sides.'

I've already used these little vases in at least a couple of blips till now and unfortunately, this may not be the end.

Well, I wasn't really in the mood for doing an indoor blip today, so much so, that I was thinking of giving it a skip. But after the initial 365, the last 200 odd have been my longest consecutive streak and I didn't want to spoil it.

Needless to say, I failed to wake up before dawn for our cycling ride. Instead, allowing myself to sleep, I sleep almost all day. Caught up with some reading too.

And I have to say As good as it gets is a fine movie indeed. It might be the best movie I've seen after moving to Delhi. All thanks to time-shift. And given my recent inclinations towards the likes of Bones, Castle and even White collar where each one succeeded the other on the same time slot, anything of a more romantic nature was an unplanned change.

I miss House. Have to get hold of Season 6 sometime.

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