Ca commence
As you can see, here is a well earned half glass of wine on top of a thoroughly packed box. Which has joined three other packed boxes. Making four. Which is a start. We still have nearly a week, so I think that's quite a good start....
Tonight, though, was more about saying goodbye to our neighbours, who run a wonderful restaurant. La Potiniere in Gullane is a truly exceptional restaurant, run by Keith and Mary who are such generous, friendly folk and wonderful neighbours.
I have been lucky enough to eat in some of the best restaurants in the world, but I think the food they put out would match the best. When a course is delivered to a table there is a hush, as everyone descends on the food; conversation is forgotten. The wines are all superbly matched to the food and they cater to everyone's dietary whims without quibble. All the food is great, but there is always a stand-out dish - and tonight for me it was the Thai style coconut and scallop soup. Divine. No really - I do mean divine. If someone told me that dish was made by a higher being: I'd be a believer. If only they'd consider moving to France and be our neighbours again.
(Regular viewers - yes I do mean you two curry makers in Da Bush - will be delighted to see that I am definitely not allergic to coconut. Hurrah!)
Now, having won the argument with Mr B about what Amaretto is really made from (apricot kernels), I'm off to drink some and watch trashy telly.
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