
By schlimm

Why not a Book?

Personally I'm all for the book and none of this ipad and otherwise electronic book business but this morning the ipad with its Whinnie the Pooh book included came in handy when L and I had a coffee and chat with a friend.

Amazing really how the children just take to this new technology and just know instinctively what to do. Scary in a way. On the other side of the spectrum lies my mum who has a mobile phone but doesn't know how to text, let alone receive texts so for me (an avid texter) she's only really to be reached by landline. Or, alternatively, by letter written preferably in ink. I actually like writing to her that way but it only happens every blue moon, I'm much quicker at typing these days and spend more time on the computer, I'm afraid.

Last day of peace and quiet (all relative, the children are still around...) and after the coffee I headed to the Museum to meet an old school friend that I had last seen about 19 years ago. Very nice chat with her in the big entrance hall while the girls were playing with a chess set. Nice to catch up and hear about people we'd gone to school with. Glad to say also that the girls were behaving really quite well and this was noted by my friend. It helps to hear that from time to time especially when I'm in doubt.

The wind later on somehow did something to the kids and when we met up with another friend and even more kids the combination was not always the best and they all rubbed each other up the wrong way. Lots of hitting and screaming but luckily also lots of reconciliations and good words.

Later on while getting tea for the girls ready a text from my Invaders, they were coming and they were hungry! By that time I was at home and there was no way I'd go to the supermarket with the kids now. So I rummaged around for things to eat and ended up making a haphazard lasagne which seems to have tasted ok but wasn't anything amazing. However I was pretty impressed that I managed to more or less cook while clearing the kitchen AND getting the kids to bed.

But I will take a childrens book with me next time I go and have coffee with L.

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