Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

10 months old

Kerr is 10 months old today. What a busy day we've had.

We took Fudge to the vet for his annual booster injection and weigh in. He was 42kg (6 stones 8.59lbs!). Oops, he has gained 2 kg since last year, and is now 4kg more than his ideal weight. This is largely due to the additional scraps which Kerr throws to him from the highchair. Doggy diet starts tomorrow!

We then went to toddlers, home to walk Chubby Fudge, then a quick nap for Kerr before heading to my sister's house. She had the hairdresser coming to the house to cut her and Abigail's hair. Lucy still has virtually no hair so felt a bit left out when Kerr was next on the hot seat! He looks so grown up now - where has my baby gone?

I went to the cinema with my friend tonight to see Sex and The City 2 (for the second time!) and still thought it was good, despite all the bad reviews!

This month Kerr has learned:

Proper crawling
Standing up and cruising confidently against furniture.
Feeding himself all fluids via his sippy cup.
Kind of waving - but mainly to inanimate objects rather than people :-)
Mimicking coughs and doing fake laughs when we are laughing at something.
Babbling lots. The only things we can make out are Mamma, Dadda and Udge.

And his obsession with all things electrical has gone into overdrive - plugs, wires, cables, hairdryers, hoovers, phones, remote controls, burglar alarms etc etc

His targets for next month are to learn to clap his hands, and try walking while holding Mummy / Daddy's hands - he currently sits down as soon as we try to take his hands, even though he can quite confidently shuffle around holding onto furniture.

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