This Side Of Paradise

By kateleeharvey

Sand Park

We took Harvey to the sand park today. Its in the centre of town and in the shadow of the castle. Their are some georgeous walks along the river and today i was spoilt for choice with the pictures i could have blipped but as i can only blip once i have chosen this one. Harvey loved being on this See saw. we all sung 'see saw margery door' i have no idea what this song means but it fitted the activity so hey nevermind ! Harvey was laughing so much at his first see saw ride he loved it. After this we needed ice cream so our wish was granted and then we had a walk down the river and watched the boats.

What a fantastic day off for Daddy pig !

Oh yeh and Harvey had his hair cut today... something we would all like to forget as he screamed his head off before she even touched his head ! It's such a hard being one isn't it !

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