
By cracker


Got held back at work this morning for nearly an hour as another station had a house fire so we were covering their area. I got home about ten, pottered about with Spence, set the fire and tidied up a bit. We went and got the mail about 12pm and saw Cheryl go past us while we were down the street!

It is 'birthday weekend' this weekend as it is my birthday on Monday so Cheryl has come to stay for the weekend so Kaz and I can do fun stuff!! We are going looking for my present tomorrow morning (an SLR!!!) then going to a friend's 40th, then going out for tea with Robyn and Dave. Sunday we are looking at cars then having 11 people over for a roast tea!! Very busy time! Kaz's sister is also coming down from Coober Pedy to stay with us on Sunday night. She has 5 kids but is only bringing 3 of them!! So it will be a full house!

I found this tonight in the backseat of the pumper at work. Couldn't work it out at first but one of my workmates knew what it was straight away! Any ideas? (The heading might help!)

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