
By esme

That's dedication

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Today was the first day of our holiday, woohoo! And it's my birthday, hazzah! I woke up and had presents brought to me in bed, the main event being a new little netbook just for me! This was very sweet but also a dastardly move by napoleon because his buying me one without me knowing meant I couldn't say no! He's clever, he is. This also means no more fights over who gets to use the laptop; that's the real reason I'm sure!

So we caught the train up to Inverness (and watched an episode of "Glee" on the way, on my new netbook... check us out!). Quick but lovely drive from Inverness and we were in Applecross. The weather didn't cooperate with us so even though we took the most scenic and spectacular route there, the Bealach na Ba, or Pass of the Cattle, and the only Alpine pass in Britain, we didn't get much of a view from the top. I couldn't resist blipping napoleon out in the rain still trying his best to get a photo, while I stayed warm and dry in the car!

Capped off the day with a meal at the Applecross Inn.

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