The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Snake Lily

Dracunculus vulgaris (aka Arum dracunculus) is variously called the Dragon Arum, Voodoo Lily, Ragons, Snake Lily, Black Arum, Black Dragon, Dragonwort, & Stink Lily. In Greece it is called Drakondia, the dragon or serpent being the long spadex inside the enormous maroon-lipped spathe. Thanks to this website: for the description of our lily.

We got the bulb about ten years ago when a man approached us at the Farmer's Market and offered to give us a bulb if we'd plant it. We agreed and it's been in our yard ever since. This year its biggest flower is huge, almost two feet from top to bottom. The original plant has four flowers. It has seeded itself and this year one of its children flowered as well. It is beautiful but smelly. It attracts flies by projecting the stink of rotting meat. It's a bit nasty but not really too awful. Today was just the day to photograph it. The flowers opened this morning and were at their best. Over time they develop white spots on the deep red petal. You can see more photos of this plant on our blog, The Chaikins of Bellingham.

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