A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Daguerrotype Sliding Box Camera

Saw this guy using this camera and processing pictures on site at one of our local farmers markets today. It was confusing to me because it is a working replica but looked authentically antique. I didn't get much conversation with the photographer because every second of his time was urgently being used to 'develop' his pictures. He would say, "I'll be right back," and then disappear under a cloth. Guess I should have taken his picture doing that, but alas, I did not.

I took a couple days off from blipping. Had some things on my mind and decided to allow myself a tiny break from the daily commitment. I actually didn't know when I'd be back but today I felt the internal nudge to blip. I am thinking that's what it should be like. A nudge, rather than a chore or obligation. I place the sense of obligation on myself, it's definitely not coming from outside of me.

The construction workers have left me alone for a week now, which is good since I nearly lost my mind with all the pounding, slamming, knocking, sawing, hammering, and lack of privacy. There is still some minor work to be done, some trim painting and the rain gutters, but for the most part it is done and looks outstanding. We are very happy with the color and the look of horizontal vs vertical siding. Our house is transformed and updated. And the best thing is there is no more water coming in and all the rotting areas have been fixed. Relief!

The chickens are doing splendidly (thanks for asking:). They are getting into a routine of excitement when their chalet is moved from one spot to another because they know it means new bugs and grass to nibble and snack on. Beatrice is quite the little friendly sweet hen, while several others are watching her and taking on the same attitude. Hilda is standoffish but curious. She'll come back around. Last night was the first night that they actually roosted up on their roost inside the hen house, instead of on top of the nesting boxes. My girls are growing up and learning how to be good hens :). Next week is vacation time so I've trained my friend and neighbor, Mary, to care for them. She really loves them and held Beatrice for awhile today. I think she gets the 'zen-ness' of it all.

It's time to relax in front of the TV now. Wishing you all a happy Thursday night. Looking forward to seeing Samiam and Skip in a couple weeks in Cleveland. Any other blippers in the area want to join us for our little blipmeet?

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