This day

By snapper

Spur of the moment

Today began at a still holiday leisurley pace, by afternoon I had decided to venture back into the dread garden shed. Having already filled the paper bin to capacity and I very much doubt if hubby will be able to move it! I was then forced to cart my copious amounts of paper off to the dump. I have been viscious in what went and what sayed. Again I kept some of my kids school reports and a letter #1 son had written when he went to secondary. I do beleive he could wriet then. years later of computering and texting have taken their toll on his spelling but being as our entire family are dyslexic, I should not be surprised!

I then came across all my old pictures and again I was cruel and kept only ones containg family and friends, out went all the fuzzy pictures of Paris, Yougoslavia, Romanie etc etc. #2 daughter and I have decided to put them inot huge picture frames and spread them over the two houses.

When I was in town I spooted a car for sale so on impulse I phoned so this evening took hubby to see it. Its a VW Polo in good nick, I took it for a run and with some help from ravenous midgies , the guy caved in and I got the car for less than the asking price. I will get it tomorrow and then give it to #2 daughter to practice on as its easier than our own big motor which has no handbrake to speak of and a few other foibles that makes it difficult to drive plus its a big car for her to handle. I havnt told her otherwise she might not sleep. That just leaves #1 son to cater for ! Honestly the dogs a re cheaper to keep! though the other days vet bill says otherwise!

So now I will finish my random day with a good dram of Glayva and blip, what better end to a busy day

Oidche mhath all

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