Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Rabid Gravy

Yesterday (backblipping again) didn't start well. The cold was refusing to give up and I was beginning to feel the stress of being too ill to exercise.

Furthermore, the Wonderspouse headed off to work, and then to a gig in London and I knew that if I didn't go to the gig myself, then he wouldn't be able to get home and would have to sleep on a floor somewhere and I wouldn't see him again until the following evening.

About lunchtime I finally made the decision to go, and I'm glad I did. Although the cold moved to my eyes and everything was a bit foggy (clearing now thanks to regular eye baths), it was a good evening!

Rabid Gravy, pictured here (@RabidGravy), is an electronic music act! He had such an impressive array of kit that I was determined to try to photograph it. It was rather dark though, so I had to hold the camera really really still - you can see he's moving - looks like he's just having a swig of drink!

As he was setting up the 5 music stands to hold his stuff earlier in the evening, someone asked whether he was going to play music from "a really long score"!!!

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