
By dogwithnobrain

My Name is Hel, and I am A Yarn-a-Holic

It's true.

I was a bit down at lunchtime, and rather than go and raid the town for Food, not just any food, but M&S food, I went to the Yarn Shop.

I love the Yarn Shop. They have Yarn, more yarn, and in another corner, yarn.

They also have thread. Silver thread, gold thread, irredescent thread, coloured thread, white thread, and black thread. They have metalic threads, they have multi-coloured thread.

They also have yarn, which isn't really yarn. Its thin strips of material, wound loosely, so much so, that I want to jump in to it and mess it all up.

They have patterns upon patterns. They have samples of what you can actually produce. (which I don't).

They also have material, which I stumbled upon today, which set my mind a-fire.

They had a delicate little scarf woven in the most finest of thread, and decorated with crystals. I nearly stole that!

The ladies asked to help. I said, "no thank you, I am having my fix, I just want to look".

One of the ladies said, "have a squeeze as well, you know you want to".

And to my shame. I Did.

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