Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Suddenly Summer

The weather forecasters around here do a pretty good job. They said it would be hot today and it sure as hell was.

The YMCA gym in Bellingham is closed until September for much-needed renovation, so on Monday a group of pickleball players headed north to the Ferndale Y. The lighting in the gym there was so bad that nobody wanted to play there again. Since the tennis courts in Cornwall Park, where we play petanque, don't get much use, we decided to make temporary lines for two pickleball courts with chalk. We used weights and bungee cords to lower the nets to the proper level. It worked out really well. It was so much nicer playing outdoors, even though one of the courts was only partly in the shade of the trees (the Y courts are not air-conditioned).

I was hot and tired when I came home. After a very light lunch and lots of iced water, I took a cool shower, followed by a nap. I woke feeling refreshed and resumed work on clearing out the basement. Even though the basement is the coolest part of the house, the late afternoon sun shines through the windows, and it got quite warm. I started carrying some of the packed boxes up two flights of stairs to my office. The temperature gradually increased with each step. By the end of the day, I was hot and tired again, and I didn't have my blip. I thought about going to the Green Frog (it's air-conditioned), but decided to pour myself a cool one and sit in front of the fan. Hence the uninspiring blip.

The forecast is for higher temperatures on Thursday -- possibly a record-breaker. Whoopee!

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