My Everyday

By MyEveryday

Independence Rock

A day early for an Independence Day celebration, but really, shouldn't we celebrate every day?

First full day of camping...6 trailers, 5 dogs, 13 kids, and a whole lot of fun.

We arrived yesterday to our own personal campground...a piece of property my in-laws own about an hour from the coast of Oregon. Every year a group gathers here on various 3 day weekends; the group may vary from year to year, but the fun is always the same.

Today was spent catching up on those trashy mags we only read while camping, watching kids run around having a grand time, watching crazy dogs play with each other, never being hungry, laughing, smiling, and just plain ol' relaxing.

Almost forgot, the rock was painted by Ms. M, a 13 year old who I am just sure has a future in some artistic form. All the kids (and some adults) painted rocks and put them on the riverbank to enjoy in future years :)

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