SAH on Blipfoto

By sahfotoblip

The day after an awesome trip...

After getting home at 11pm from my diving trip last night, today when I got home from work meant sorting out the said kit I just left in the garage and went for a shower and bed.

I am grateful that 5 years ago we had this wet room done to be able to wash down our sports kit!

I can honestly say that although I don't have a lot of dive kit at the moment all that I have I love to bits. My Tusa mask when and if I ever want to I can have prescription lenses put in it. My snorkel is Tusa too and is an important bit of kit but I had to spit it out when I wanted to use it yesterday as it was very sea salty (luckily I was near the rib) so was in desperate need of a rinse. My Fourth Element gloves are one of my favourite pieces of kit as they are so comfy and warm. My Mares fins have helped to make my diving more enjoyable and my boots well they are great too, so comfy and they can be used for when I go kayaking!

But I have to say... The lovely R went kayaking yesterday and the smell of sea salty dive kit is far better than river smelly canoeing kit! The smell hit me as I went in the garage... I think we need a dunk tank!!

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