From Across the Pond...

By transatlantic


Two weeks ago I built Mfanelo a new shack on the back of his mum's house. It's simple but really nice. We call it the bungalow. These are a few members of his beautiful family, 10 of whom all live in a space the size of my bachelor flat (in addition to her own 5 children, his mother's sister died from AIDS a few years ago and left behind 4 little babies who Mfanelo and his mom have adopted). I've been out here a few weekends in a row now to celebrate spend time with him, and seeing the way he protects and takes care of all of the little ones was almost too much for me. It's a tough time for them because his 10-year old sister was hit by a car a few nights ago and is in a coma, but the doctors are very optimistic. It's rare to find someone who's experienced so much tragedy and remains so kind. The little brother he's holding calls him Mufasa now that he's moved from the floor to the bungalow.

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