hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

Saturday hair stuff

Time I got a hair cut - it's been about five months. Wups. I'm not a very girly girl and don't really like the whole 'hair styling' thing, never mind spending hours in the hairdressers. The tripes are not actually in my hair silly!

Took advantage of being able to walk to the shops, about a mile each way the route I took, which is the first exercise I've had in a week. Not much, but good to do something, and gave me the chance to spy on the lovely gardens of Moorpool on the way. And also be greeted by an old man "ELLLLO BABBBBB", which was nice.

Time for tea and a fat rascal.

Oh, I should have said, some of my friends called me "concorde" back in the day, and this picture shows why.

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