Strange journey

By hrund

Born in 1906

Went to see my grandma with my mom and my sister. She is almost 104 years old. I really dont know how to express myself about this, but now she has got dementia and has changed so much. Then all of a sudden she is her old self again but the next minute she doesn't recognise us.

I used to live next to her as a kid and only once I saw her angry........ that´s when I climbed up the kitchen cupboards and stole a big box of Quality street candy. I was only four but that´s when I realised what stealing was.... and I was not supposed to do it again :)

She is amazing woman. She became a widow very young and has also lost a daughter and a son (my dad). She just took on life and never complained. Times are so different today...... we are so spoiled and nag about nothing. We have not had to go through wartimes or hunger. We throw away food and buy absolutely useless junk to fill up our huge houses.

I had many photos to choose from but I decided on this one. My sister holding her hand and listening to her singing and chatting and in-betweens there was a little giggle.


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