Give us a smile

No blip yesterday as I succumbed to "THe Lurgy". After coming home on Wednesday afternoon with the start of a cough and a bit of a sore throat, I then went to work on Thursday morning, and as the day progressed, my voice slowly disappeared, my throat closed up and I felt dreadful. I came home early, teaching a lesson actually made it worse (clearly, because talking when your voice is going is really going to help matters).

Slept, woke up, slept a bit more, woken up by a text from a colleague at 11pm, then didn't get back to sleep until 3ish this morning, when the sleeping tablet finally kicked it - had that horrible thing when you have a cough/sore throat and when you lie down, you keep getting a tickly cough and you have to repeatedly swallow for no apparent reason. Then I started getting p***ed off that I couldn't sleep, and so the vicious cycle began!

Managed to make it through the day today, a number of meetings, some moments that were quite distressing, and all the way through, me sounding like Mickey Mouse on Speed (I said "Hey pluto" this afternoon and it made people giggle) - it was like I had a stash of helium on my person.

Cheered up no end by the arrival of my 500D. Have had a little play this evening, but tomorrow will be playtime proper. It's nice though. Tres bien as the French would say.

Right, off to watch The IT Crowd.

The photo - the result of me asking James to give me a smile!

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