Ina's Snippets

By ina

Little Princess

Gigi did not want to get out of bed this morning :-)) By 3oclock this afternoon my bed was still not made hahah!

So when the soccer started at 4pm, i was sorting the laundry while watching Holland giving Brazil a hiding (yeaahhhh Holland!) - and the first time i shouted out when kicked a goal, she ran out the room. Of course i took the opportunity to quickly make the bed hehe!

Then in the second half of the game, (it was quite tense, if you watched)... i called the Pizza Man to order a few pizzas for tonite... and forgot i called them hahaha... a few minutes later i hear this voice coming from my hand, and i realised OMG hahah, i called for a pizza. Needless to say, the man on the other side had good fun, listening to me (and the soccer broadcast) LOL!

Well... stuff happens, right. And Holland won / Brazil (the World Cup favorites) are going home. There can only be one winner, unfortunately. My other favorite team is Germany of course... now can you imagine Holland vs Germany in the final! Bhaaaaaa!! Cant wait for tomorrow's game... are you watching too?

Have a good Friday - or what is left of it.

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