Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

My Medicaments

As I got into bed last night I couldn't breathe properly and had to take my inhaler. This is quite unusual for me in summer, especially as my asthma is usually very well controlled.

This morning I woke with a sore throat, slightly blocked nose, and very tight chest. I'm also hot from the inside out, which is a very different feeling from being hot owing to hot weather, and my heart is pounding in my chest in a most uncomfortable sort of a way.

Food all tastes odd too and I'm feeling distinctly de-energised!

This is, of course, what happens to me as soon as I don't have a deadline (see yesterday's blip), I relax PROPERLY and get ill. I was supposed to be going to hear Jessie Grace sing tonight but am not up to it, so I'll have to stay at home.

I spend so much time mentally ill that it's really strange to be physically ill. The morning has been spent watching videos. The afternoon will be the same. Hopefully I'll shake it off quickly - got things coming up soon that I don't want to miss.

It's at times like these that I'm glad I have the benefit of modern medicines (this lot, plus the usual ibuprofen etc.). The asthma inhalers are particularly valuable to me - my Great Granny was asthmatic in the days before such things existed and she died as a result of an asthma attack.

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