Par Mes Yeux

By MesYeux


A few of my fellow students and I went to the slavery museum here in Liverpool to see what it had to offer. It's actually a complex right on the docks that is several stories high. There are exhibits from World War II, a maritime exhibit and several other interesting items. But, it was the slavery museum in which we were interested.

I must say that it was a very moving, poignant experience. Videos recreating the passage from Africa to the Caribbean shown from the slaves' perspectives were being shown and videos showing footage from the Civil Rights movement in America in the 1960s were played. Watching those videos, particularly, struck me very deeply. There were scenes of black people being lynched in the South with the white people actually rallying and cheering. I simply cannot understand how one human can inflict such cruelty upon another.

This is a Ku Klux Klan uniform from the 1920s. It was very ominous and foreboding standing there. It is a stark reminder of the hatred that (some of) humanity can possess.

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