Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Something is wrong with this picture

Well, a rainy day brings out the weirdness in me sometimes. I saw this as I was walking around on campus the other day, and I thought it was pretty funny. So, I thought I would go back, on this rainy evening, and get my blip for the day. I guess it does go up and down, in it's own way.
There is a elevator around that area, but it must be 50 feet away from the sign. And wouldn't you think someone would have put an arrow on the sign to show you which direction to go to get to the elevator? I know it isn't a great photo, but it just caught my eye.

Here is another photo that has similar color, etc. It was also taken on campus, and the bike should have been in the bike rack under the "Elevator" sign, but someone decided to lean it up against the container that people use to put cigarette butts in instead. C'est la vie.

I have a 4-day weekend, and I sure hope that we will have some nice blipping weather.

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