Compost Mentis

By megatonlove


A blisteringly hot day today, and an even hotter one is forecast for tomorrow. Saw my son (in black t-shirt and sunglasses, left of centre in the picture) off this afternoon for 12 days of intensive swim training with his team in the south of France.

He'll come home dark as a walnut, with broader shoulders and a mountain of fetid laundry. He'll tuck into my home-cooking and want to sleep for days.

Oh to be young again.

I often see new things in my pictures after I've posted them. For example, in this one there are 11 people and only one's looking at the camera. And though I can never remember what mode I was shooting in, I noticed that the photo (viewed large) reflects how hot it was at 5 in the afternoon - maybe it's the almost white sky, or the shadows on the ground.

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