John R Smith

By chamberlainjohn

Aaah - Bisto..

This morning I switch on the computer and this is what I get. Now this could be the equivalent of bad news on a medical diagnostic imagining screen. But sometimes this message means a CD/DVD left behind in a drive. I know there is not. I check, I am right.

Next. Phone my techy guy - who talks for Scotland but is hot stuff with this kind of problem. "Could be your hard drive has passed away, mate". Thanks, Scott, but he does offer to come round at 8 tonight.

Am grouchy and annoying to colleagues all day. So tonight I have to blip! Go and get the lap top. Now, where is the connecting cable for the camera? Usually attached to the end of the trailing USB connector that lies under the desk. Go looking for it - and there, plugged in - I can't even remember why - is a USB flash drive. All is explained. Within seconds, the PC is up and running. My dreams of a new Mac fade into the distance. Am I pleased or not - I am not sure.

But the moment was excellent - a bit like in those VERY ancient adverts, this was an "aaah-Bisto" experience!

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