
By mar

From our ancestors come our names

From our ancestors come our names, but from our virtues our honors.

This morning, during the Monday mad Rush, Michael called me into the bathroom to show me this ... Guess who made it to the bathroom first and instead of rushing, decided Q-Tip art would be nice this morning.

Charlotte and Michael went to school/work and I worked on GirlGuide stuff. As it was a gorgeous day, I decided to take a walk to our local country park as I'll be taking my Rainbows there next week for a treasure hunt. However, things didn't go to plan as I got lost. For over an hour. There has always been the running joke about my lack of sense of direction ('Mar can get lost in Somerfields,') but this was the worse.

I listened for traffic, as taught from a prior experience. Instead of cars, this is what I saw.

After walking for in circles (seriously seeing the same tree several times no matter what turn I took ... oh, did I mention the park is essentially a circle?) I stopped to read. I figured getting upset and worried wouldn't do anyone any good so I read. And it was peaceful and recharged my legs. When I got up and took about 20 steps and turned right, guess what?

Yep, I found the exist of the woods.

Luckily I had enough time to get Charlotte from school (who decided a playdate was more important than Brownies tonight) so came home with her bag. I did the Rainbows/teach at night thing.

Long day.

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