True love #2

I spotted this wee leaf glowing in the afternoon sun. So pretty and so delicate. The colours just seemed so saturated today. I almost felt like it was summer again. Apart from the layers I had to wear to ward off the chill.

Two youngsters 'in love' were kissing on the school fence. Her with her legs wrapped around his waist. Seemingly unaware of the fact that they were at school and were surrounded by other students.

I had to point out that it wasn't appropriate behaviour at school. A time and a place. Have some self-respect young lady. That kind of thing. It certainly wouldn't have been the sort of thing we'd have done when I was at school. Mind you, I do remember having a note slipped into my desk by my form teacher when I was about 17. She had seen me kissing my boyfriend after school, off school premises. I was in school uniform. I was so embarrassed. It was only a little kiss but obviously the wrong time and the wrong place.

I took my chastisement on the chin.

I feel mean sometimes. Still, school's for learning. All that other tom-foolery (I wonder where that word came from?) can be done away from here.

The True love this time is the beautiful heart-shaped leaf.

One more day til the holidays. Two glorious weeks of lie-ins and reading. =)

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