Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

daddy I have something to say

Now you listen to me very carefully daddy,
I will only be saying this once, and once only,
you love me very much, and I will always be your angel,
I am your first born daughter, so a treasure to behold,
You will watch me grow, watch me learn,
you will be smitten with my every move,
you will beat the boys away at the door,
buy me a one way ticket to Auntie Karens imaginary convent,
I will do no wrong in your eyes, I will be forever your darling,
but listen to me carefully now, daddy, as I tell you this.....

till then.....

I could do with a new nappy right about now.....!!!!

PS a vid of me attempting knee bouncers!
knee bouncers or keyboard bashers

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