Today was Conor's nursery sports day and graduation. Lots of fun. Conor amused everyone when the 40 graduates were lining up ready for their certificates by going through his whole gamut (and as gamuts go, it's a big one) of waving techniques, while the other kids stoically looked ahead and waited for their turn.
An afternoon of baking for panicky last minute teachers' presents (why does the end of term always catch me unawares?) and, in a very unusual turn of events, I cooked for Mr B tonight. It was Chermoula Aubergine with bulgar and yoghurt from the Guardian a few weeks ago (made with my first ever home grown coriander) and was pronounced "really good".
Who knows, I may be allowed to cook again. I'm not sure he even noticed it was vegetarian.
More clearing of stuff. As well as freecycling the last of the junk really useful wood from the garage, today's mountain to be tackled was my clothes. How many jumpers does one woman need? Not that many. Tomorrow: the sock drawer.
EDIT: Here's the recipe.
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