
By shy

Revolving door...

...which has nothing to do with anything.

I'm far too tired to blip properly tonight - I got to Manchester at 12:30 last night, got int bed at 1:00. and turned out the light at 2:50.
Bloody Harry potter. Only 100 pages to go of the very last book. Then it's over.

Nothing to do with that subject, I have two pairs of black shoes. One pair squeaks whenever I walk, the other has got holes in the soles. I finally decide that as this has been going on for too long that I would pop over to the local shoe shop and get a new pair at lunch time. I decided to wear the ones with the holes, as I can't stand the squeaking sound. It pissed down this morning and I managed to get got sopping wet socks. Can't try on new shoes with wet socks, so tomorrow it's back to the squeakers. That's the last time I spend £10 on a pair of shoes. I might as well get cheap ones next time.

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