
By LadyFindhorn


The solution to too many guests and not enough beds is simple really, multiple occupancy of the same by sleeping in shifts.

With the adult family guests up talking and imbibing until 5am this morning and his Lordship off to the gym before this, we can obviously use the same bed for different couples, some going to bed at 10pm and getting up in time for the next set to retire at 5am. Who would have thought it this simple?

However with a 5am bedtime, getting up before noon is quite a problem and so breakfast is being eaten at lunch time and granddaughter has been kicking her heels since 7am.
It's all too confusing for his Lordship who has ridden off into the noonday sun on his bicycle in order to restore his sense of routine.

Meanwhile back at the castle, everyone has now disappeared into town, leaving me as chief laundry maid and general factotum until their return later on.
Then I believe they are off for the night to Fife before driving up to Rannoch tomorrow to stay with daughter#2.
Friday sees them travelling to the west coast for a week.
You can see how the confusion arises, particularly as son#2 arrives from Cairo next week and also needs a bed.

Today's blip is of my eldest granddaughter, Robynn , aged 15.

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