* p h o n e d i n *

By PhonedIn


I have too much of it.

For the first time this year I went to work in short sleeves (no jacket!) and replaced my umbrella with sunglasses. It was a beautiful morning. I very much enjoyed my walk to work, feeling light and temperate and not that grumpy despite getting hardly any sleep last night (hmmph, see yesterday's sleeping arrangements).

Also had a nice lunchtime wander, visiting the solicitors to sign the final bits 'n' bobs for the new flat and grabbing a tasty sarnie.

However, some hours later,while thinking about leaving work, I heard the rain begin to thump on the roof and my heart sank. It was a good 300 yards to the bus stop and I was in a white t shirt.

Thankfully a strategically placed fashion scarf was large enough to protect my modesty but it was a timely reminder of a vital rule I'd forgotten; one must always carry one's umbrella in the UK. Always. And never is this more true than when you're wearing a white t-shirt.....

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