This day

By snapper

Feeling sheepish!

The culmination to my phantasmagorical weekend was a trip to the final day of the Royal Highland show. We saw all manner of cows, sheep and horses. didnt manage to see any piggies but they seem to get fewer each year due to all sorts of piggy regulations.

Met a couple of folks we knew, sampled every free drink they had to offer, ate some weird cheeses, talked to a haggis! all in all a grand day with sunny weather unlike what we left behind in the West.

On the way out there were long queues of cars and one smart ass in a 4X4 jumped out in front of everyone else and then almost ran over one of the folks directing traffic. He then had the gall to bad mouth the traffic guy and his bimbo wife joined in. He then drove off in a load of dust only to be stopped by the traffic cops at the top of the road as the traffic guys had radioed ahead. Ha ha, cops turned his car inside out and kept him and his bimbo fuming!!! Finally after about 20 minutes they let him go but made him go back to the end of the queuq!!! Served the ham head right!As they say(big car,small......)

Stopped off at brother in laws and finally home to Glas. Just have to take doggies out for a wee plod, a cheeky wee southern Comfort then bed

Oidche mhath all blippers

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