Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Yay! Ferrets!

It's been a good long while since these guys got a blip so today is thier lucky day. We've really missed having these guys around since we moved flat but today thier mum heads off to America for a few months. This time we're only lucking after them for a month and then B's mum is taking them for the rest of the time.

As they were dropped off today, I couldn't help thinking how it's a year to the day that Weasley (the little white one) started to get sick. Months of worry, dozens of train trips through to Livingston to the vets, administering injections, putting drops on his food and hundreds of pounds worth of vet bills later the little guy is still going strong. He has residual crackles and sniffles from his lungs due to scarring from the pnuemonia but he perseveres.

Expect more blips of these little monsters over the next month.

In other news:

I have broken my sewing machine beyond belief, all by trying to sew a button hole. I'll be ringing David Drummond tomorrow and hopefully if I haul it out to Haymarket they might be able to fix it for me.

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