
By shy

Vist to Mother's

We go up early on Saturday to go and visit my Mother in Uckfield.
She needed us to visit so that we could help her sort out her finances - she was of a mind to sell her flat because the cost of the warden-control was getting a bit much for her and she was worried that she wouldn't have enough to live on.

To cut a very long story short, we had a lovely lunch in a 16th century pub and then spent 3 hours going through her finances. The upshot was, that she was OK really and with the budget I set her, she would be able to live better that me.

She was happy that she didn't have to sell the flat, but was happier still because in her weekly budget was an allowance for her beer and buns.

Flick had to make a huge sacrifice to attempt the 3 hour drive each way. But I think she should tell you about that...

On the way back, having had no blip, we pulled into Ashdown forest just after sunset.

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