Courage Is The Price

By courage

A scutch and love at first sight

After Friday night's shenanigans I woke at 7.30, slightly rough but determined to get some stuff done.

This is a feeling my mum calls 'having a scutch'. Not sure if it's just a Highland term or even if it's something my mum made up but it means being generally restless and busy.

Anyway, Other Half was feeling highly sorry for himself after eating a dodgy Chinese the night before, so he stayed out the way while I ran around madly getting washing done, cleaning etc. He did raise his eyebrows at me when I told him I was doing a 'storage audit' but pretty much all I did was write down things I already knew on a piece of paper and then nag him to take me to Ikea. I should say that's a fairly regular Saturday ritual in our household.

Then, wonders will never cease, I finally got my origami groove on! It's certainly not the best looking specimen but good enough for my purposes.

Our Saturday was rounded off with a lovely evening at Chiara and Rob's, watching footie, drinking wine (oh dear, again) and comparing notes on what it's like to live with someone.

Musing of the night: is it possible to fall in love with someone really quickly and for it to last? Chiara, Rob and Andy all reckon no, you need to live with each other first to really know each other. I tend to agree but do have a romantic side that believes that very rarely, love at first sight does exist, and it does work.

Any romantic Blippers care to venture an argument for love at first sight?

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