
By catbells

Cooling off in Washington Sq fountain

Spent the day with friends in China Town, West Village, and NYU land - Greenwich village.

Following lunch at the Vietnames restaurant (Thai'son), the football match between USA and Ghana was the main highlight of the day at the Whiskey Tavern on Baxter/Canal. Much alcohol was consumed by the generally good natured USA supporters, and the chants of 'Born in the USA' stopped after the 2nd and winning goal by Ghana.

A good match and the better team won.

It is LGBT festival tomorrow...various events were taking place today such as the good humoured gathering - 'legalise dyke union' - that can be seen in the picture. One woman decided on a topless dip in the fountain. A few police officers standing by moved in as a gesture for her to put her clothes on. She did - on getting out of the fountain, and calmly walked away :)

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