
By 42

Alpha Beer

"Not much, but that's not so bad"

Hmmm. Are they really suggesting a god vs beer debate? Let me think ... beer please. Personally, even Newcastle Brown Ale wins this bout and that's like the "cup o' soup" of beer (I've seen them make it).

But I like the idea of a Charlie and the Choclate Factory style machine for booze. "Bobby and the Beer Brewery" perhaps :-)

Inspired by My Aim is True and the Alpha course banner, this is a poster that has caught my eye a couple of times when catching the bus through studentville (Newington).

Thanks for all the comments yesterday. Managed to get at least a couple of shots of the kids that are ok, so granny should be pleased.

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LOTD: Rab's Vancover reflection really caught my eye - a great shot and partly because it reminded me of a picture I've got of Boston that's very similar.

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