
By gilliebg

Eye of Toad

I am sure that there are plenty of you, out there in blipland, who would love to be able to buy some of the marvelous lenses available, but have to work on a tight budget like me. When it comes to macro work, $700 or $800 for a refurbished lens of my choice will take some saving for, so in the meantime I have tried some of the cheaper alternatives, macro filters, extension rings etc. I read an article recently about reversing lenses, so I checked it out and bought a reversing ring on ebay for $6, and reversed the little cheap Nikon 18 -55mm kit lens It arrived yesterday, so this is literally my first attempt. I know it by now way measures up to the mastery of EZ, but that aside I am really quite pleased with the result. The toad, on the other hand, is thoroughly pissed.
Here is a link to someone who uses this method brilliantly.

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