
By cracker

Quick Trip

We decided this morning that Spence and I would go down to Mum and Dad's today and stay the night. My cousin, Bron, and her family are down from Queensland for the weekend and I wanted to see them. Bron is one of those people who are really friendly and easy going. We go up to Queensland every four or five months and stay with her and have a brilliant time! I had called her last night to see if she was available in October when I have my next annual leave. She said that she was in Foster for the weekend before going to Mansfield and to the snow during the week.

Kaz went sailing and Spence and I left. We met up with Bron at her cousin's (Emily, from the other side of the family) house. I went to school with Emily but she was a couple of years ahead of me in school. Emily has three kids and so does Bron. Spence had a fantastic time playing with them all. They range in age from 13 to 4 (2 boys and 4 girls). Spence was outside with the girls playing tea party with sand, water, mud and worms, while the boys were at the skate park, then when they got back, Spence played with them as they were wrestling on the floor! All the kids were really good with Spence, looking after him and including him in the games they were playing. We stayed there from 11.30 until about 3pm! Spence missed his sleep because I didn't want to take him home when he was having so much fun with the kids. It?s not every day that he gets to play with so many kids at once!

We came home to Mum and Dad's and Spence had fun playing with Grandma. We lit the open fire and had roast chicken for tea! There was a lunar eclipse tonight that started about 8.30 and went until after 9.30. There were only a few clouds in the sky to start with but then the moon disappeared near the end.

Spence and I are leaving early in the morning so we get back in time to get ready for Clare and Cindy to come over for lunch. We haven't seen them in ages so it will be really good!

This photo is taken up the hill from Mum and Dad's house. In the distance is Wilson's Promontory, the southernmost tip of the Australian mainland. The water is Corner Inlet and the buildings in the middle of the photo are Mum and Dad's house where I grew up.

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