Silver Water Lilies....

I have such mixed feelings about this image! It's unusual for me to be in this state of ambiguity regarding a blip! Usually, I spend some time, enjoying the images, making first and second choices and then bammo, i just know which image to go with. But tonight it was so difficult for me to make a decision!

This is straight out of the fancy photoshop dance....just exactly as i saw it...except I've cropped it a bit! The water lilies are so beautiful in our pond...and this evening, as I went on a 'blip walk' around the pond, feeling that the water and light was what I was drawn to, this corner was being hit by the sinking sun and was producing these amazing images! I was captivated...but then, on viewing them here on the computer screen, there was another feeling, more like 'oh that's just kinda weird'....but i am still fascinated by this image!

I was torn between this and one of a budding wild iris at the edge of the can see it here.

Anyway, I guess I made my decision...and now i'll try and stick with it !

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