Gable Erratic

By MsGable


I was talking to my boss this morning when four police vans drove past his office window. We both went to look out and then saw the army personnel and tanks. Was it that lot from Lancashire invading? No, it was the Yorkshire Regiment who had been granted the freedom of our town and were about to march through it with their newly presented Regimental Colours flying, bayonets fixed and the band playing.

Unfortunately I didn't find this out until later when they all reappeared in the car park and I could not stop myself from going out with my camera. Had I known I would have joined the throng in the High Street and cheered, or even more fun, watched the tanks driving over the near vertical canal bridge along their route. that must have been a sight to behold.

It was very moving just to see all these people, but goodness they looked so young which certainly brought a tear to the eye.

On the other hand someone in our office complained loudly about how the tanks had smashed some of the pavement edge along one of our narrow streets. I tutted and said they would have been shot for that in Afghanistan and left the room.

Good on you men and women. Stay safe.

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