My Aim is True


A place of safety

I really need to find something. I put it in a safe place some considerable time ago...and do you think I can find it? No. I can't. Now I know that I am not the first person that has done this, but it's bloody annoying. However in the course of looking, I have found the thing that I put in a place of safety previously, and have intermittently looked for in the intervening 4 years. So hoorah to that.

But what if the current lost thing takes 4 years to re-surface. Oh dear.

Had to take the long way round to the micro blipmeet tonight. (the better route could have involved bumping into the pal that I had bumped to attend the blipmeet.) So I blipped the scientology sign...more for something to blip rather than me making any sort of comment about these nutters.

While uploading this, I remembered that Baroda Gems used to be very close to the scientologists. I always thought that a very exotic name for a shop.

And a lovely blipmeet it was too. Two new faces, that were delightful and entertaining company. Isn't blipfoto great?

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