Chick Flick

By Flick


This morning barely half-way through my first cup of tea I received a 'phone call from my daughter Abigail asking me to accompany her to the docs. I managed to get dressed and washed out of the door in 10 minutes...
At the doctors Abigail regaled her list of extra symptoms that included dizzy spells and more pain.
This time the doctor, an excellent man, gave us an explanation for what was happening .. a detached placenta. Entirely safe baby but will produce an uncomfortable pregnancy. She has been signed off work for one month.
A rather unnecessary instruction to Abigail was that she was to enlist the help of her nearest and dearest for the duration. I was sitting next to her at the time! Bluddy hell what else can I do? Abigail thought it was funny ... hmmm
Anyway I went to pick up Henry from Nursery again today and my scintillating conversation produced this result in Henry.

I am feeling very pleased with myself I have finally caught up with all my postings and posted on the correct day! Long may it last.

here is my choice today a perfect blend of photo skills and wit

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