Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

102 degrees (F)

The boys and I haven't been on a proper adventure in ages. So today when they woke up from their nap early begging for a ride in our Rover, I figured what the heck.

We headed out to what we locals call the North Spit. As I was driving along, suddenly the stupid Service Engine Soon light blinks on. Now the last time it did this, I was driving. I'm thinking this thing must not like me much.

So now my ideas of a light off road adventure have sort of come to a halt. All I need is to be stuck 15 miles outside of town by myself with 2 little boys.

I found a really neat spot with sand hills and was off limits to motorized stuff. The boys were having the best time sliding down sand hills and climbing old driftwood. I was climbing about snapping photos and then suddenly realized that I was being attacked by a giant swarm of mosquito's. I couldn't get them off me and then noticed they were swarming my smallest boy.

I freaked a bit and yelled, "Run for the Land Rover!!! Mosquito's are after us!" The boys freaked, and we jumped in and shut the doors up tight. I managed to scoot a few more out the window.

Then as we were almost home, my oldest said that his head hurt and he really wanted to go home. When I lifted him out of the rover at home, I noticed that he was burning up. No wonder his head was hurting!

When I checked his temp, it was 102 degrees (F). This photo was just 30 minutes prior to being at home. It's amazing how fast a little one can decline.

I did mess with the editing a bit and used a "lomo" action in PS. I have to give props to my friend modsouljunkie for turning me on to the lomo look.

I also wanted to dedicate this landscape HDR to pddesigns because I know she's not a fan of HDR, but I think she might like this one. :)

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