Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Along The Wayside (In High Heels.)

A funny thing happened on the way home! I just happened to be wandering through a wide swathe of roadside grass, with the camera, of course, in high heels, of course, wondering about the condition of the vegetation. A car stopped and the window was wound down.
"Are you taking photos of the special flowers?"
A man got out of the car.
"Did I cut the grass right?"
"Oh, I was wondering who had been here!"
"I took advice and did just an annual cut early in the season!"
"That's right, to maintain the correct conditions for wild flowers the rough grasslands have to be cut"
"What are they"
"Early Purples" (Wrong!)
"Are they doing OK?"
"Yes, there are some fine strong ones, and more of them than when I photographed them last year."
"That's good, I hoped I'd got it right, don't want the shrubs taking over from the flowers. They want to collect some seeds to start them off elsewhere. Must have a talk to him again about that!"

I don't know who he though I was. May be he thought I was going to report him for vandalising the wayside. No, we all know it was far simpler than that!

I needed a blip.

Last year, with my Collins Guide to hand after photographing them, I had identified them as Common Spotted Orchids. Well done Achad54 for making me check. I now remember that the Early Purples were somewhere else! I'll make it my mission to correct that with the appropriate site manager.

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