...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

How Awesome am I?

We were meeting friends that are moving to Idaho at our favorite Italian spot, Lido's. He text me, I missed it. He called me...'Didn't you get my text'. No. "Well, I am leaving now, just meet me there." OK, Jase is coming too. "He never got back with me, I thought he had other plans." He is here right now, he said he would go. "OK, meet me there." (He seemed irritated)

Jase and I jumped in the car, the restaurant is about mile and 1/2 away. I started down the street and there was a trash truck in front of us down a very small two lane street, so I make a quick right to take another way, and I completely loose power and the knocking starts. I was able to coast over into a dirt driveway. I shut the car off, and a sick feeling came over me. And then a wave of relief, I wasn't on the freeway, thank God. And that I wasn't following the trash truck, there is no parking on that street. I call my hubby, tell him where I am, he told me to call our friends and give them the heads up.

He arrives, we pop the hood, he checks the dip stick....now I have been meaning to get to the oil changed, been talking about it for a couple weeks. Of course it is still warm, even I know the oil is still up in the cylinders and not all in the block, but it should have read more than it did on the stick. I am feeling really sick now. Well, he is questioning me..."When is the last time you checked your oil? Do you ever check your oil?" I knew it was time to get a change, no I haven't checked. Jase pipes in, he tells him to shut up. Oh dear, reminds me of back in the day. Back when we were in major dysfunction. The angry tone, the questions. Just then our friend Jack arrives, thank God, a voice of reason.

J calms Jim down, I calm Jase down (*he has just quit smoking and is very agitated with life...with his dad), I call the tow truck, Jim calls our repair guy, Ryan, unfortunately, we know him by name, and he us. We have had a lot of variety of car issues lately.

Now Jim doesn't want to go eat. J says C is already at the restaurant just come with us he says to Jase and me. I convince Jim to just join us after, he 'we will have to eat anyways, just come down, it won't take long,'was gonna follow the car to the shop to talk to Ryan. He said, "ya just go with J. Maybe he would meet us. But wait", I am just about in tears at this point. I knew I blew it, I knew he was mad, I had had a stressful Monday, with a busy Tuesday, I didn't need all this. I was feeling guilty about the oil, embarassed and really crummy. Jim reaches in his truck, with this sheepish look, hands me a giant bouquet of beautiful flowers, he said, "Happy 1/2 Birthday." OK...I loose it...all tears and in shock. (He will surprise me occasionally on my 1/2 B-day) This was a big surprise, I didn't even remember.

Well, the car went to the shop, we met C there and a bit later Jim joined us. It was fun with our friends, laughing, chatting. reminiscing.

So the car is in the shop, but another blessing is my Girl is at camp, so I can drive her car to work.

And the evening was fine, Jim was fine, I was fine, Jase was fine. We get over it and walk through this thing called life.

That evening we watched a Rob Bell, Nooma video called 'Luggage', it was about forgiveness, 12 minutes, an amazing POWERFUL short about forgiving. It was appropriate.

BTW...our life isn't anything like it use to be, but every once in a while the residue rears it's ugly head, and we take on the roles of the past, but it doesn't last long. We have healed and grown, moved forward.

My words aren't so few today...but then it was my 1/2 b-day, and I got flowers from my hubby, I also could have destroyed my engine!!! Mixed flowers, mixed emotions!!!! Hmmmph!!!!

How awesome am I???

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